Scott Saad
Scott Saad was a former sprinter, footballer, basketballer, racquetballer and closet geek (though he didn't know it at the time). He has worked for software startups his entire professional career. First in creating cutting edge 3D rendering systems at Anark Corporation (later partially acquired by NVIDIA). Next at EWS building massive business systems that help transform the moving and transportation industry, which was acquired by Canadians.
Currently he's on a solo mission doing some cool programming on big time back-end systems in the financial sector. He would explain it but would have to swear you to secrecy, which is obviously impossible these days.
Scott works, lives and plays in Boulder, Colorado with his beautiful wife and three silly kids. He has deep interest in spirituality, Waldorf education and how one continually evolves as a human being. He enjoys an agile approach to both software development and life.
You can find Scott on Twitter or send him an email. You may also fine him hanging out on Stack Overflow.