Letdowns and Lessons

by Scott Saad - March 13, 2012

Today was an interesting day as it was the culmination of efforts to see my favorite band, Radiohead, play live near Denver, Colorado.

Here was the build up for today:

There were various points in the day where I almost decided to stop trying. But I didn’t for some reason. In the end, did it get me anywhere? No. Not exactly.

While I did not get to see Radiohead (the original goal), a reoccurring life lesson was brilliantly played out for me today. We never know the outcome of the efforts we put forth to achieve something. Try. Try. Try. Try. All of this effort may still not produce any visible achievements (like in my case today). For me, knowing that I tried is always better than not knowing what might have been. Even if it was failure.

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I'm a software geek living and working in Boulder, Colorado. Follow me on Twitter; you'll dig my tweets if you're into that sort of thing.